This mountain is interested in ordinary beauty, bringing a notion or experience of the sublime into what we could consider the mundane or daily lifeness. How do people come together? how do we choose to find ourselves and each other in the every day?—the sort of quiet work and beauty, of living our lives together, in community. Especially now when we are greatly fractured and divided throughout many communities, what does it mean to find spaces of unexpected community and quiet resistance?
I found myself riveted by the movements. In their simple repetitions, they carried me beyond my seat in the Cornish Playhouse.
Marcie Sillman, And Another Thing…
One visual cue that brought the dancers across a stark rectangle of light was especially stunning.
Megan Burbank, The Seattle Times
I love Scofield’s willingness to probe the mysteries of faith without apology – especially in a historical moment when the dire effects of immoral power are threatening our country and the world.
Sharon Cumberland, Seattle Gay News
This mountain (announcing your place in the family of things)
January 18, 2019
Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center
Zoe Scofield
Rehearsal assistant
Shane Donohue
Primitive Baptist Sacred Harp Singers, Glenn Gould with Zoe Scofield
Milena Hranac
Michael Mazzola