Inspired by the constant search for purpose, the struggle to find comfort in one’s own skin.
The protagonist is never satisfied but is always looking toward the next goal.
He yearns/strives/craves/beseeches/questions, searching with frantic sincerity for a way to be.

[I]t’s a comic study of insatiable appetite: in this case, a little red T-shirt that has the highly flexible Bartee tying himself in knots.

Michael Upchurch, Seattle Times

It begins with gray clothes launched from the wings, which Bartee emerges, en déshabillé, to try on. You can see they have that new clothes feel — Bartee tugs and itches, but maybe they’ll do. That is, until a bright red shirt flashes past. Bartee’s right hand, possessed, trembles frantically with a sudden desire. Bartee excels at the whiplash gymnastics that come next, as he fights to overcome the fatal attraction… The struggle is doomed, but then, so is the desire — the red shirt also turns out to have that scratchy new clothes feel.

 Michael von Baker, The Sunbreak

Wevers builds, as does Ravel, layer upon layer of color. It’s an engaging piece that represents a twenty-something’s obsession with garments and of being narcissistic.

Dean Spear, Critical Dances



January 18, 2013
Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center


Olivier Wevers


Maurice Ravel


Olivier Wevers


Michael Mazzola