

evolving – Whim W’Him reboots

What is essential work? Official definitions change every few days and differently in different places. But beyond the basic physical requirements for sustenance and rudimentary health, some needs—like art; love in its widest meanings of connection with others; a sense of play—are primal, necessary to the sustaining of human culture and life worth living.

May 31st, 2020|

shaping – Ihsan Rustem

Born and raised in London of Turkish Cypriot parents, residing in Zurich when he’s not on the road, the peripatetic and prolific Ihsan Rustem has become a favorite with Whim W’Him audiences and critics alike. [...]

December 5th, 2019|

About the writer

Victoria Farr Brown is a former historian, a writer, now mostly of fiction, and a long-time lover of dance. She has written about Whim W’Him from its first steps in 2009.

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