

out on a whim – Joe Park

Joseph Park has a preternatural ability to handle paint. In another, long-past era he might have produced hyper-realistic paintings of, say, a dead pheasant and a hare, along with a drinking flagon, with the sheen [...]

October 7th, 2011|

judging – ThrOwn

For some time Olivier Wevers has been wanting to do a piece for Whim W'Him about the human predisposition to judge others and exact deadly retribution. The propensity to righteous cruelty resides, as he says, [...]

September 20th, 2011|

X stasis

X = 10 = 5 couples stasis = frozen in time connotations of the word ecstasy… Olivier Wever’s transition between a pure classical sensibility and a quirkier, more disjointed modern outlookÑthe final section of Thomas [...]

September 11th, 2011|


A powerful male duet set to music by Murcof. The piece opens with both men, dressed in kilts, stepping into pools of light; as the lights fill the stage, they begin their playful joust. Ultimatum draws [...]

September 11th, 2011|


Choreographer Olivier Wevers envisions Shindig as a whimsical voyage through various moods captured in the music and dance. In each of its various sections, he creates an atmosphere to inspire emotion. Wevers states, “Rather than [...]

September 11th, 2011|


This was Olivier’s first foray into the world of burlesque which led him to Coquette for L’Edition Française. L’Edition Française pays homage to French culture and music. This titillating piece demonstrates Olivier’s playful twist on [...]

September 11th, 2011|


Good things have been happening to Whim W’Him in recent weeks. Olivier Wevers, Whim W’Him’s founder and resident choreographer, is talking and working with potential presenters, collaborators and sponsors—local, national, and international. The company was [...]

September 7th, 2011|


Hair flopping over her eye, brimming with energy and talking with lively precision, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa teaches Cylindrical Shadows to dancers of Pacific Northwest Ballet. Two+ casts are learning the piece. Since its premiere last [...]

August 17th, 2011|

thank you…

... to Olivier Wevers & all the Whim W'Him dancers, for reSet! Some particularly choice photos by Kim & Adam Bamberg: Andrew Bartee Chalnessa Eames Jim Kent Kaori Nakamura Lucien Postlewaite Kylie Lewallen [...]

June 26th, 2011|

About the writer

Victoria Farr Brown is a former historian, a writer, now mostly of fiction, and a long-time lover of dance. She has written about Whim W’Him from its first steps in 2009.

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