

costuming X-POSED

This Friday night, May 29, 2015, 8 pm, at the Cornish Playhouse in Seattle Center, Whim W'Him presents X-POSED. This is the first time each of the three offerings in a show (all premieres this [...]

May 25th, 2015|

inventing – Kate Wallich

An empty studio in which she can dance, write, think, nap, play music is Kate Wallich’s cave, womb, gestation space, lab, home. It’s where the ideas well up that inform her choreography. Kate, one of [...]

April 22nd, 2015|

About the writer

Victoria Farr Brown is a former historian, a writer, now mostly of fiction, and a long-time lover of dance. She has written about Whim W’Him from its first steps in 2009.

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