

X-POSED – RIPple efFECT onstage

The curtain went up on what I call "the electrocution section." RIPple efFECT, by French-born and trained, New York-based Manuel Vignoulle, premiered as the first piece on Whim W'Him's X-POSED May program. Out of industrial-sounding [...]

June 10th, 2015|

X-POSED – Black Heart onstage

"That's the black heart!" I heard more than one audience member pronounce at intermission of Whim W'Him's X-POSED last weekend. They referred to a tangled mass of light that had—significantly or pointlessly, portentously or ironically [...]

June 5th, 2015|

About the writer

Victoria Farr Brown is a former historian, a writer, now mostly of fiction, and a long-time lover of dance. She has written about Whim W’Him from its first steps in 2009.

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