An exploration of the tension between daily, ordinary activities and the movement of history with all its dislocations, symbolized in the slow unrolling of a long silk scroll marked by footprints.


Overflow is dedicated to Haim’s parents, which makes the duets seem more fraught as people meet and part, but this isn’t a singular story of a particular relationship. Instead we watch a community of dancers, sometimes cooperating and sometimes absorbed in their own worlds.

Sandra Kurtz, The Seattle Weekly

Overflow is a timely work, addressing and honoring not only his migrant parents but [and perhaps this is not his original intent] today’s overwhelming European migration, reported to be one of the largest, ever, with upward of millions fleeing and trying to find new homes and lands.

Dean Speer, Critical Dance

Overflow, which Wevers commissioned from choreographer Mark Haim for this program, does indeed brim over with quiet mystery. Haim uses his musical skills to play against the lush romanticism of the Prelude and Liebestod from Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde.

Sandra Kurtz, The Seattle Weekly



January 22, 2016
Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center


Mark Haim


Richard Wagner


Mark Zappone, Hendri Walujo


Michael Mazzola


Corrie Befort