The path is long, full of unexpected things/events.
We start where we are, but never know where we will go.
Sometime we go with the flow, sometimes we hold back, resisting.
We start with who we are now and wonder who we will become.
The ripple effect of each individual personality creates constant shifts and whims in the group that is in endless evolution, transformation, mutation, renewal, flow.
“RIPple efFECT” is high-energy, a continuous swirl of acrobatic action. There are also moments of rest (luckily for the dancers), and quieter contemplation. In the second section, for example, all seven dancers join hands in a circle, then move in and out, up and down, reminiscent of a sea anemone that pulses with the tide.
Alice Kaderlan, And Another Thing…
As they weave in and out of each other or perform Vignoulle’s compelling ensemble sections, the seven dancers could be a primitive cult from a distant past or denizens of a remote planet defeated by a greater intergalactic power. Either way, they and Vignoulle keep us riveted.
Alice Kaderlan, The Seattle P-I
Slowly, the choreography evolved, at first cutting between animalistic prowling, smooth unison, and incessant shaking, before morphing into a stunning series of risk-taking partnering and lifts. These pairings showcased the prowess of the dancers and followed the ripple of change that one person can effect on those around them.
Ciara McCormack, Seattle Dances
RIPple effECT
May 29, 2015
Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center
Manuel Vignoulle
Ty Burhoe, Nathan Halpern, Dustin O’Halloran, Piano Interrupted, Pimmon, Roll The Dice
Rob Newton
Michael Mazzola