On the inevitability of change, however slow, unrecognized or resisted.
Bartee’s I’m here but it’s not the same opens with a series of simple adjustments, as dancers move slightly during a blackout to reappear in a different location when the lights come back up. They add other subtle shifts as well, changing shape or direction, all of it calm and uninflected. Gradually the random movements become disconcerting, patterns overlap, and some of the dancers interact. Bartee keeps to a minimal palette, even as the movement becomes more dense, maintaining a sense of restraint through to the end.

Sandi Kurtz, Seattle Weekly

Andrew Bartee’s latest piece, “I’m here but it’s not the same” seems a manifestation of this young artist’s search for his own identity. Five dancers in hoodies and jeans move slowly across the dark stage, shrouded from us and each other. One dancer breaks away from the line, throws off her hood to glimpse the world around her. Quickly, she flips that protective covering up. The wide world can be a scary place.
Marcie Sillman, And another thing

I’m here but it’s not the same


May 15, 2014
Erickson Theatre Off Broadway


Andrew Bartee


William Basinski, Ludwig van Beethoven


Andrew Bartee


Michael Mazzola