Over $80,000 raised by generous donors! That’s enough reason for whimmers to smile.
But the evening was terrific fun in itself. Congenial guests, yummy food, entrancing entertainment, and a lovely atmosphere of good will, good fellowship, and munificence.
The silent auction was a great success, along with a smaller, curated auction of art and unique experiences.
There were also two new additions to the fundraiser: balloon pops (where you paid either $25 or $50 and were guaranteed to take home a gift cert for at least that value), while specialty cocktails, like the Whim-tini, Belgian Blueberry, and the Prancing Pony, made everything else go down more smoothly.
Nancy Guppy was a fantastic host. In her capable hands, the “Heads or Tails” event was a hit again this year. With guests guessing which side of a coin would come up and—in a new wrinkle added by Whim W’Him artistic director Olivier Wevers—facing that part of their anatomy toward the mc, the event caused much hilarity. It also brought in plenty of cash, while the winner took home a $650 shopping experience at Mario’s.
Whim W’Him dancers, elegantly dressed, added a touch of glamour to the proceedings.
Paddlemaster Karen Finneyfrock did a good-humored & marvelously effective job. “Raise-the-Paddle” donations rose by 43% over 2012, from $35,000 to $50,000. As a thank you, dancers decorated the higher level patrons in bright pink feather boas.
And then, lest anyone forget what we were all there in honor of, Andrew Bartee performed Annabelle Lopez Ochoa‘s riveting solo, L’Effleuré, and received an ovation. The evening’s proceeds put Whim W’Him on target to meet its goals of hiring full time dancers by the beginning of the 2015 season and adding another performance into the season starting in 2015.
The dance party that finished out the night was highly spirited—a few attendees danced on tables & chairs, and a green laser light put in an appearance.
Whim W’Him owes a huge thanks to everyone—who came, who gave, and who helped to make Out on a Whim Cinq truly a night to remember!!!