You play a leading role at Whim W’Him.
Thank you to our generous community of supporters!
A very special thank you to our Season 24/25 sponsors: Braiden Rex-Johnson and Spencer Johnson
And to Paula and Barry Brown and Timothy Tomlinson for hosting our choreographers
$10,000 +
Azlan Ezaddin & Lauren Jonas
City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture
Courtney and Ira Gerlich
Delaney and Justin Dechant
Douglas Pearce
Jason Bergevin and Kelly Abner
Jerry O’Leary
Jolene McCaw Family Foundation
Kathleen Roan
Kathy Gerlich
Lindsey Taylor-Jangaard & Lars Jangaard
Michael Mathieu and Deborah Tyo
Paulette & Alex Camara
Sandy McDade & Allison Kramer
Spencer Johnson and Braiden Rex-Johnson
The Paris Group Northwest
Timothy Tomlinson and Vu Pham
$5,000 – $9,999
Amy Scott and Steven Alley
Art and Sue Jackson
Darren Focareta
Frank Peschel-Gallée and Caroline Gallée
Grant Beck
Javila Creer
Lincoln Uyeda
Linda Andrew
Molly and John Boose
Richard Purcell
Sandra King and Mohamed Archane
Stephen and Marie Heil
Terrel Lefferts
Tom Hurley
Vincent Lipe and Steve Jensen
$2,500 – $4,999
Aki Namioka & Erik Nilsson
Barbara Lewis & Joe Cable
Beth & Todd Hester
Courtney Hoppus
David Isla and Gary Southerton
Elizabeth Stuart
Elyse Postlewaite and Kelley Compogno
Emily Kasman
Grant Taylor
Karl Watson & Michael Curry
Kelly Abner
Michael Robinson
Nona Battistella
Pamela & Gerard Zytnicki
Patricia Barker & Michael Auer
Perry Bryant
Rebecca Ebsworth
Roger Keeton
Ronald Pederson and Jeffrey Sakuma
Stephen and Marleen Land
Tulalip Cares
$1,000 – $2,499
Amy and Steve Starner
Ashly Torres
Ashlyn Pawlak
Becky Forland
Beth Glosten
Carolyn Lowe
Case van Rij
Christopher Economakos
Clara Kubeja
Claudia Mansfield
Clayton Lewis
Curry Gibson
Ellen Look
Gaylene Vaden
Geoff Prentiss
Glen Gaidos
Heather Dunn
Helen Harris
Ingrid Harten
Jack McLeod
Jaclyn Gaffaney
Jeff Williams
Jeffy Ou-Yang
Jeremy Steward
Joel McAllister
Joey Robinson
Joey Schultz
Johanna Surla
John Shepherd
Karen & Aaron Grady
Kate Casprowiak
Kent Stowell and Francia Russell
Kerry Thompson
Kristie and Robert Blade
Kristin Moomaw
Laura Bannister
Leslie Yamada
Liberty Mutual
Mary Lamery
Michael Hatch
Morgan Evans-Corbett and Jeremy Corbett
Neill Roan
Nicole and Terry Lott
Nicole Stellner and Peter Eberhardy
Olivier Wevers and Petr Horak
Owen Richards
Ritsu Itoi and Andreas Kalmes
Samantha Neukom
Sarah Foster, MD
Steve Cromwell
Suzanne Shaw
Teresa McCann
Toni Santos
$500 – $999
Anne Derieux
Bettina Lowe
Bob Ustanik
Brady Bell
Camille Gibson
Courtney Bell
Donald Meyer
Donna and Rob Dughi
Eric Schlegel
Erik Giesen
Gary Skinner
Grace O’Loan
James Mumford & Jane Cracovaner
Jeff Fernald and Elise Ballard
Jodi Ridgeway
Joe Fugere
John Robinson
Jonathan Jones
Julie Tobiason and Jeremy Conner
Justine Finn
Karri Ridgeway
Kyle McLeod
Law Offices of Juanita Holmes, PLLC
Lisa Whipple
Lizzie & Chris Gutierrez
Louis Calva
Lynn Carnegie
Marcie and John McHale
Margaret Webb
Maria Rollins
Mark Barbieri
Matthew Grierson
Melanie Vodnick
Melinda & Bruce Jones
Molly McConkey
Nikki Matthews
Patricia Jacobsen
Paula Becker and Barry Brown
Peggy Printz
Quinn Ianniciello
Ray Manahan
Sharon Ellis
Shelley McIntyre
Stefan Dotson
Steve Judkins
Susan Ragen
Tessa Haskell
Thomas Rasmussen
Thya Merz
Victoria Farr Brown
virginia anderson
Virginia Bosworth
Vivian Hsu
Winslow Hermson
$100 – $499
Aaron Hoffer
Aaron Stayman
Ada Michele Alston
Adrienne Hidy
Alana Rogers
Aleen Adams
Alex Bana
Alia Swersky
Alice Alexander
Alma Allen
Anahata Healing Arts
Andrea Wagner
Andy Beatman
Anthony Bawyn
Anthony Tippins & Frank Baldassare
Ashley Clark and Chris Manojlovic
Barbara Schneider
Betsy Rader and Dave Watson
Bill Dubay
Brad Tong and Nanette Fok
Brian Feild
Brian Perry
Brooks Peck
Byron Au Yong
Carissa Sanchez
Carolyn Paola
Carrie Juriana
Chris Nishiwaki
Christina Coop
Christopher & Nancy Kevorkian
Claudia Frank
Colleen Ryan
Cynthia Richardson
Dan and Michele Heidt
Daniel King
Dann Moomaw
Darren Kerbs
Dave Bonewitz
Dave Kolk
David Delfs
David Mcclellan
David McDorman
David Owen
Deborah Bryant-Kayser
Dena Rigby
Denis Adair
Denise Fridge
Derek Storm and Cindy Gossett
Devin Haskell
Di Edwards
Dominique Lim
Eleanor Robinson
Elizabeth Houlton
Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Novak
Ella Can
Emilia Dominguez Rodriguez
Era Terry
Erica Hanson
Erin Johnson
Evan Rilley
Gabriel Prestella
Gary and Mary Molyneaux
Geoffrey Creighton
Grace Spencer
Harvey Greenberg
Heidi Tilghman
Helena Bierly
Helene Kaplan
Hillary Chen
Ihsan Rustem
Jack Cowan
Jackson Cooper
Jacob Bronowski & Martha Smith
James Kent
Jean Hamilton
Jeanine Anderson
Jennifer Schlobohm
Jessica Nadelman
John and Susan Cracovaner
Jordan Clark
Judy and Steve Fihn
Julie Barker
Julie Brooks
Julie Holland
Julie Oliver
June Jaffee
Kai Johnston
Kaley Day
Kaley Walsh
Kaori Nakamura and John Brandhagen
Kaoru Wada
Karen Dunn
Kathleen Pham
Kathy Plakovic
Kelly Bonewitz
Kelly Robison
Ken Anderson
Kenneth Graves
Kirby and Erin Green
Kori Martodam
Kris Lewis
Kristen Becker
Laara Garcia
Laura Marie Rivera
Leo Pitts
Lex Le
Libby Watson
Lindsey Rosen
Louisa Fusciardi
Louise l’Anson
Lucien Postlewaite
Mandy Wehrley
Marge Levy and Larry Lancaster
Maria Perez
Maria West
Maris Antolin
Mark Galambos
Martyn and Elizabeth Lovell
Mary McKinley
Mary Rodgers
Maya Tacon
Melanie Matthews
Michael and Christine Sannella
Michael Fertakis
Michael Walton
Michele Hasson
Michelle and Kosar Jaff
Mick Thornton
Mick Thornton
Mikayla Heinrich-Wong
Mike Reid
Molly Arnold
Munoz Motions
Natalie Sandoval & Ross McDorman
Nels Olson
Nicholas Horrocks
Pam James
Pam James
Patrick McConeghy
Paul Gates
Piper Clyborne
Raelene Plant
Rafael Soldi
Raj Tubati
Raymond Deardorf
Robert Lisy
Roman and Pam Mach
Ruth Bell
Samuel Schwab
Sara Curcuruto
Scott Laing
Seanna Browder
Shari Thompson
Shawn Brinsfield
Simon McRea Adler
Stephen Hunt
Sue Ann Allen
Sue Shaver
Suzanne Malsberry
Sydney Freggiaro and Erick Koons
T-Mobile Corp
Tara Hinsch
Tariq Mitri
Ted Bingham
Teresa Verraes
Terese Freedman
Terry Robinson
Therese McRae
Thor Anderson
Tiffany Lewis
Tim Ho
Travis Clark
Winifred Andersen
Yolanda Smith
Zane Norris
$1 – $99
Akane Tomizawa
Allison Reid
Andrea Tapia
Andrew Dalan
Andrew McClain
Anne Aumell
Audrey Warn
Benjamin Ward
Beth Coyote
Brandon Aguillard
Caitlin Pontrella
Carol Beers
Catherine Sheehy
Chris Haugen
Cindy Jones
Clayton Lewis
Craig Scott
Cristin Williamson
Dana Peregrine
David Perkins
Drew Sylva
Dwight Jones
Elizabeth Stephenson
Ellen McGivern
Emi Oguri
Eric Pheifer
Erin Wallace
Evan Daiber
Heather Holmback
Henry Szymonik
Hieu Teuong
James Petersen
James Rogers
Jason Plourde
Jeff Ackerman
Jenny Mao
Jill Libow
Jimmie O’Hara & Topher Shields
John Kiester
Juliette Delfs
Kailin Gregga & Steven Lazen
Katrina Pickens
Kelly Keydel
Ken Pinhero
Kendall Overton
Kent Rogers
Kisha Vaughan
Knox Gardner
Kristen Hotchkiss
Lacy Draper
Leah Terada
Linda Nelson
Lori Sherick
Marcie Rubardt
Margaret Berger
Margaux Lovell
Marshall Lewis
Mary Plakovic
MaryAnne Seibert
Maureen Vaught
Maurice Cooper
Melisande Noe
Michael Dryja
Michael Gilbride
Michael Gilbride
Michael Reid
Microsoft Rewards/Give with Bing
Mike Ramey
Monica Johnson
Natalie Grant
Neal Fadlan
Nicole Bishop
Noah Dunn
Olive Toppeta
Otilia Baraboi
Peder Digre
Reece Johnson
Royal Alley-Barnes
Sarah Renz
Shannon Carpenter of This Aperture
Steve Starner
Susan & Brian Garber-Yonts
Susannah Malarkey
Svetlana Kira
Tia Porcincula
Tyler Perrella
Victoria Watts
Wendy Hardman
Wolfgang Eastman
Zoe Meadows-Sahr
5th Avenue Theater
Adams Bench Winery
Aki Namioka
Baby Buddha Studio
Betty Wetter
Big Gin
Blue Heron Cafe
Britta Ambauen
Darren Focareta
DeLille Cellars
Fast Penny Spirits
Frye Art Museum
General Porpoise Doughnuts and Sea Creatures
Georgetown Brewery
Hotel Leo Bellingham
Jeffrey Lemmon
Joey M Robinson Studio
Kathleen Roan
L’Ecole Winery
Levi Hastings
Michael Mathieu and Deborah Tyo
Mighty O Donuts
Mio Posto Pizza
Munoz Motions
Naramata Inn
National Nordic Museum
Nicole and Terry Lott
Nordstrom Beauty
October Joe
Oola Distillery
Owen Richards Architects
Pacific Northwest Ballet
Pagliacci Pizza
Patricia Barker and Michael Auer
Paulette and Alex Camara
Raised Doughnuts
Rasa Vineyards
Rob Roy Seattle
Sean Sullivan
Seattle Opera
Seattle Repertory Theater
Shawn O’Donnells Pub
Southern Glazers
State Hotel
Suzanne Shaw
Tutta Bella Pizza
Vincent Lipe and Steve Jensen
Willows Lodge
Wing Luke Museum
Gifts listed were given between 1/1/2023 and 1/16/2025.
If you see an error, please contact
*Monthly Donors
**Legacy Donors who have Whim W’Him listed in their will or estate plans
We strive to honor our supporter’s preferences for name recognition.
Please contact if you would like to change your preferred name listing.
Real Rent calls on people who live and work in Seattle to make rent payments to the Duwamish Tribe. Though the city named for the Duwamish leader Chief Seattle thrives, the Tribe has yet to be justly compensated for their land, resources, and livelihood.
You can do something today to stand in solidarity with
First Peoples of this land by paying Real Rent.
All funds go directly to Duwamish Tribal Services (DTS) to support the cultural, economic and political survival of the Duwamish Tribe. Visit the webiste to learn more about this grassroots movement to support Duwamish sovereignty
Enriching lives by investing in imagination,
illuminating that art exists within each and everyone

Every gift makes an impact on our artists, programs and community.
Thank You for Your Generous Support!
Your support makes our work possible and we are deeply grateful for all the ways you continue to show up for Whim W’Him, our artists and each other – by donating, joining us in the theater, participate in our conversations, and sharing the work we do with your family, friends and neighbors.
Thank you for being part of the Whim W’Him family!